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Online Webinar | On The Hamster Wheel Of Recruitment?

Online Webinar | On The Hamster Wheel of Recruitment?
How to reduce attrition and conquer high volume recruitment.

Does your business operate high volume customer service and/or contact centre functions? Does it feel like you are constantly replacing leavers? Are you stuck in that painful, repetitive pattern of endless recruitment and ongoing attrition?

It’s time to take a step back. Watch our webinar to find out how to reduce attrition and conquer high volume recruitment in teams that typically face ongoing churn rates such as contact centre/customer service environments.

As HR and Recruitment experts, The Curve Group have audited the recruitment and retention performances of numerous businesses, successfully delivered high volume recruitment programmes and have provided consultancy to improve retention rates. For example, we have recently supported a Financial Services organisation to reduce their 90-day attrition in high turnover areas from 28% to 2.4%.

In the webinar we shared key learnings from across our broad range of expertise, and discussed:

  • Challenges faced in high volume recruitment, contact centre/customer service environments
  • Typical issues which drive increased attrition rates and how to identify the root cause of these issues
  • Steps your business can take to reduce attrition
  • How to recruit at volume efficiently
  • The importance of bringing Hiring Managers on the journey
  • Success stories

Please fill in the form below to access the webinar:

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In the meantime, why not watch our previous webinars which you can find here.

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